重點摘錄 ~大師輕鬆讀 NO. 148 ~ 如何打造壓倒性優勢
- 你如何制定品牌、區隔你所提供的產品或服務
- 你在市場中偏好的定位
- 你如何定位你的競爭對手
- 你的價值主張
- 試銷方案的結果
- 你的公關策略
- 你計劃如何運用廣告來創造知名度
- 預估的目標市場規模數據
- 預期的市場占有率
- 任何可供分析的市場模型
- 你的行銷宣傳預算
- 聯盟行銷或其它的行銷方案
- 你計劃將來如何提升行銷的質與量
Your marketing plan will need to include your thinking and forward planning on issues like:
- How you will brand and differentiate what you offer.
- Your preferred positioning in the marketplace.
- How you will position your competition.
- Your value proposition.
- Results of your test marketing initiatives.
- Your public relations strategy.
- How you plan on using advertising to create awareness.
- Estimates of projected market size with data.
- Anticipated market share.
- Any market models that are available for analysis.
- Your marketing communications budget.
- Affiliate or other marketing programs.
- How you plan to ramp up your marketing int the future.